Wednesday, July 16, 2014

One. Be accepted to the university where I want to go.
Two. Read books more 100.
Three.Lose 10kg
Four.Go a picnic alone.
Five. Good at english.

Bucket List

Do you know bucket list? Bucket list is what i want to do before die.
I have 5 bucket list before I graduate CSHS.
1st. I want learn guitar
2nd. I want travel other country with friend.
3rd. I want pass university.
4th. I want meet middle school or elementry school friends and teachers.
5th. I want make money by part time job(teaching someone)

I hope I can achieve all things.

Bucket List!

5 things I want to do before I graduate.

1. Sing the song "Wild Flower(야생화)" at the school festival or school music concert.

2. Go snowboarding with my friends.

3. Burn out with watching movie.

4. Play game likely be hooked on game.

5. Learn a musical instrument like guitar and piano.

bucket list before I graduate

First i want to go to Europ with my two friends. I talked before and they agreed haha So i am saving money. Its about 300000won....  I need so much money more!! Now days i think how to make money.

Second i ll get TOEIC more then 500. Because if i go to the Europ i should speak english.

Third learn one instroment. I can treat some instroment like guiter, drum, base, piano. But i am not good at all. So i want to learn one among these property.

Forth health? My both ankle and right wrist is not good. If i move hard, they will swell. Its so uncomfortable.

Fifth i want to learn swim. I didnot go sea or swim pool about ten years. I donot know why my family go to sea with me.... Anyway i will learn swim and go to sea with my friends! Haha!

Teacher i am sorry! I did not use any idoms. Haha.... Sorry!

My high school bucket list

I have many things I want to do before graduation, but I'm only gonna write a few.

First, I've always wanted to play a big prank on the teachers. A big enough prank to maybe get me suspended? Okay, maybe not suspension but something hilarious. Especially my homeroom teacher.

Next, probably what everybody wants, get a gf. I've spent my school years too boring. I should have had more fun in school.

Third, I want to try building a cluster network in the computer lab. I have access to the computer lab and there are two dozens of computer lying there, I should try it sometime.

Then, I wanna read a book. I'm trying to read Michael Sandel's Justice, but I keep forgetting to start.

Finally, I wanna perform on the stage. I've done it 2 years ago, but I always want to do it again before I graduate.

To. A New English teacher

I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want for us.
If you are looking for the best student,
I can tell you I cannot speak English well.
But It’s no big deal. I’m trying to do well.
As I am 3rd grader, I’ll have taken classes for pretty short time.
If you leave a comment, that'll be the end of it.
I will not look for you, i will not pursue you.
But if you don't. I will look for you.
I will find you.
And i will glad for you.

And above all, Andrew! This is the last, but not least class! :)
 I 'will  try to message to you.
[출처] 테이큰 명대사|작성자 Archanfel

goodbye, hello

 At first, I'll write for Teacher Andrew Cheng. You teached us for 2 years, and I memorize you the passionist(?) Teacher.
 And we will meet new teacher, even we don't know the name of our new teacher, but we heard that the new teacher will be woman.
 I think it is first time for her(or......him) to teach in Korea. There is a idiom 'Start from Scratch'.(which we learned from Teacher Andrew)
 We wish our new teacher make her(or......him) life in Korea Big. We believe that you'll be the good teacher to us and our school.

Goodbye to Teacher Andrew,
And Hello to our new teacher.

What I want to do before I graduate : bucket list

Before I graduate......

1. I want to pull an all-nighter for watching movie series-Harry Poter.

Hermione Granger

2. I want to succeed on the diet.

skinny legs

3. I want to study art professionally.

He is Bob Ross!!

4. I want to escape from being a wet blanket.

5. I want to learn how to sing well.

By. Dohee Kim

Sunday, June 15, 2014

What Drawing Means to Me

I’m 19 years old and I have been drawing for 17 years. I grew up with pictures, so drawing has a special meaning to me. Drawing is not just an expression of beauty, but a method to express myself and everything about me, for example, my thoughts, ideas, ideals, emotions.

Various artists(2013)

Sometimes, people tell me that I’m good at drawing, and though I blush to say it, my drawings are not so bad. But I wan’t born with artistic talent, I was ordinary about these things doodling, drawing pictures, designing something. If there is one thing different between me and people who don’t enjoy these, it is whether they feel joyful when they do the activities.

The incomplete

Though I have interest in art, I attend a science high school, where looks like have none of connections with art. Some people ask me why I don’t want a job related to art. Until I was 8 years old, I wanted to be a painter. But I’m getting older and older, I changed my dream to another job. When I am forced to study for a long time, I got to hate to study and thought studying is tedious. If I want to be a painter, I must learn technical things about drawing. And there might be times when I don’t want to draw, but I have to do, just like studying. It means the meaning of art changes from joy to duty. I worried of that I couldn’t draw what I really want to express with the true heart. Because of this reason, I’m walking a quite different way from the art.

An artist(2013)

Sometimes I doodle during studying time, and I can’t study effectively. I tend to concentrate on drawing rather than studying. So I feel guilty that I didn’t study when I have to do study. I’m trying to control the compulsion.

I don’t think I will quit drawing until I am dead. When I get older I mean when I retire, I’ll be an artist and support young artists who don’t have enough money to be active but have high aim and passion.

A flying bird(2014)

I‘m going to introduce how to draw well. Here is some tips.
1. Don’t fear drawing
When I suggest drawing, many people say. “I can’t draw,” and they avoid drawing, though I’ll never criticize their drawings. Don’t fear drawing. Whatever you even draw, it has its own beauty and individuality.
2. Practice controlling your pen
If you practice controlling pen, your drawing will look much better. Using thick and faint line give more information about the picture and make its expression richer. So try to control the strength with your pen. Using a pencil might be easier to practice.
Practicing  drawing lines

3. Draw every day
The best way to improve your artistic ability is to practice. Have interest in drawing and draw pictures in your spare time. There is no royal road to learning something. If you want to draw well, invest your time and make an effort.
I hope everyone enjoys drawing and gets into the swing of expressing your feelings and sentiments. It will help you to appreciate works of art, and it’s also good for your life and mental health!

by, Dohee Kim

MICRO : MICRO of Illuminant Technology

 MICRO was a frindle company in Korea. But it shut down in 1997 when IMF financial crisis. There is a rumor that this company sold the design to foreign company. Still now, a number of stationeries are selling these mechanical pencils. It's because these mechanical pencils' design is similar to foreign pencils' design. But the rumor is not true. MICRO sold it's design to other foreign companies. This is the reason why the designs' are similar. We can mention some companies which bought MICRO's design, like German company FAVER CASTELL, Rotring and Japanese company Pentel. Whenever we see these companies' TK Vario L, ROtring 500 and Graph 1000 each one has quite similar points in MICRO's HEXA 3000, M. I. T.(MICRO of Illuminant Technology) 3000 and M. I. T. 2000.

MICRO : HEXA 10000
Rotring : ROtring 500 and ROtring 600

MICRO : M. I. T. 3000

Pentel : GRAPH 1000
MICRO : M. I. T. 2000

See the attached pictures. First picture is compare FABER CASTELL TK-Vario L with MICRO HEXA 10000. Second and third pictures are compare ROtring 500, 600 and MICRO M. I. T. 3000. Last picture is compare Pentel GRAPH 1000 with MICRO M. I. T. 2000. When we see these pictures, we can find some particular points which resemble each other.
Translate German 'rotring' into English, it means 'the red ring'. But no one would name the company with the design which was bought. Also the Pentel Graph 1000 started its' selling since 1985 and MICRO M. I. T. 3000 started since 1986. However it can not make sense if the MICRO sold the design. So that this rumor can not be the truth. Although MICRO benchmarked its design from other foreign companies' design, MICRO not only beloved in Korea but also nowadays, MICRO's technology is not lower than other companies. After MICRO collapsd, Korea gave an effort to revive it. So, based on MICRO's superb technology, a person who worked in MICRO established e-micro. But e-micro's goods are worse than MICRO. So that e-micro is criticize from the masses. Let's concerned e-micro so that it can be revive.

The pictures are from


simple is not the best

People say the simple is best. They want simple design, simple using and, simple motion. But everything need confuse. The switches design is very simple and arranged very well. However you will pay much times to know the each button's function. The switches designer or user should make the name tag. Who can remember the buttons without name tag? Every time to use this switch, he should confuse.

simple design switches! but you can't know the button
source :

 The airplane controller's complicate is needful. The complicate have pattern. So the pilot feels it's simple. The pilot should knows about each button's roll and how to use.The other people don't know about that anything. So people think the design is hard and confuse. But it is really not. I think the airplane controller's design is very good and simple. each button's design is different and arranged with a little confuse. If you want to memorize the buttons, it will be easy.

airplane controller
source :

 The salt case and the pepper case has very simple and same design. We can't know what is the salt and what is the pepper. It needs a little confuse for the different. Commonly the designer give the difference there by different the hole's number like salt pot is tree and pepper pot is five. Better design of the pots is clear body to see inside or make 'S' or 'P' with the hole.Then everybody who see the pot will know content.

simple pots, with 's' and 'p'
source :
pots which has clear body
source :

 The clothes are very tasty. Someone like T-shirt and Blue jean, another like suit. All of the clothes style is different. Because each clothes pattern and color is different. It's not simple. If the clothes are really simple, we will wear the same clothes. People want different so people want confuse for stand out.

five years old fashionista Alonso Mateo
source :
Vanessa Hudgens
source :
 The soccer ball need the most effect design. FIFA want to make the the soccer ball sphere. They need perfect sphere. But It's so hard. Generally we think the soccer made with twelve pentagon and twenty hexagon. But people tried to make sphere and this's year's world cup's official ball, Brazuca,may be the perfected sphere.
source :

free topic #1: City of the sea, Venice

I wonder that I visit Venice someday. I marbled at the Venetian canals, and Venetian's brave history. So I want to tell you about Venice.

 -Main Island of Venice. All tiny blue lines are canals.
1. Venice city tour
Maybe most of people know Venice as 'The city of water(or sea)'. That means, canals cover all over the city, like streets. this canal network is made of the main stream 'Grande Canale' and dozens of branches. canals are everywhere in Venice, even between two buildings. So in this city, there is no car or bus. Instead, there are many boats. These are divided into three types: water bus(Vaporetto), water taxi, and gondola. Water bus is typical transportation in Venice. Tourists
- Venice Gondola.
and native Venetian mostly use this. It rolls as same as bus does. Water taxi is also same as taxi. Gondola is usually used by tourists. It looks like traditional boat. This boat guides us to famous buildings or places. A gondola is harder to navigate than a motor boat, so only few skilled pilots can drive it. A gondola pilot is a respected profession in Venice.

In fact, There are no 'wonder' like the Pyramids or the Great Walls in Venice. It because no king, no dictator who can order to build stuff like that, is found in Venetian history. But I think it is a great experience seeing, and feeling Venice, the city that most familiar with water in the world. How beautiful!

2. Glorious History

 The city of Venice began with a group of people who are poor and powerless. In the 5th century, powerful and brutal Hun tribes invaded the Roman Empire. They slaughtered in the occupied territories, so people of the empire fled to avoid them. Some of these people have emigrated to the island of reeds in the lagoon, in Venice today.

 At first, there is nothing in Venice, even woods or stone. It's safe, but poor place. People just had two resources: fish, and salt. So they began to trade with neighbor country, in order to get what they need to. Soon, Venice became the core of the region's trade. The city is getting stronger. Venice, once a community of poor people became a city-state. Venetians want to freedom, so their new state is republic.
-Region of Venice in Golden age(15th century).
Red: Venice territory/ Yellow: Controlled by Venetian navy
Green: Ottoman Empire

The republic of Venice had continued to grow by trading. In 10th century, they founded the navy force to protect their merchant ships and sweep Saracen corsair, which rampaged in the medieval Mediterranean sea. Then, merchants could cross the sea toward more distant countries. In this way, Venice influenced its economic, politic power throughout the eastern Mediterranean in golden age. Venice was the most prosperous during the 15th century.

-Battle of Lepanto(in 1571)
However, since then Venice faced very strong rival, Ottoman Empire. This country expanded explosively during 15-16th century. Soon, they attacked Venetian territory. Venice had hundreds of island and huge wealth, but its 'total population' was only 150,000, while the Ottomans could collect 'soldiers' over 150,000. Venice fought against them with other European countries, and carried the day in Lepanto, Greece(1571). However, they couldn't stop their enemy captured their colonies, and cities. Although they lost all the glory, maintain independent country until 1797, when Napoleon conquers Venice.

The 'Republic of Venice' was over, but the 'city of Venice' wasn't over. Since 1797, Venice's owner has changed, and finally been included in Italy(1866). Now, there are no merchants but lots of tourists in Venice. Today, Venice is still alive as one of the most famous and unique tourist site.

Charles - My sweetie!

DOGE!!! Source: gifts)

In fact, I was scared of dogs. Because when I'm six years old, I was bit by a dog that is live in my church. 6 years after, My family decided to buy a puppy for my brother. I denied, but my parents cheers me, "You should defeat your fear!". So I had courage. February 2007, I had my first puppy! It was a Shih Tzu. My mom named her 'Sarang(Love)'. It was get on holy bible,

"And now abideth faith, hope, charity(love), these three; but the greatest of these is charity."
- First corinthians 13:13

My may be touched by that words, so the second puppy-I'll explain later-was named 'Mideum(Faith)'. Anyway, I could not touch her fur all day long. Everyone loves her, except me. But she may likes me, so I was frightened, Seriously!

Next morning, I had a dash at challenge. I touched her skin fur! It was warm. At the first time since I was bit! I won my fear, so mom was very proud of me. But, after that happened, Sarang has a stomach ulcer. So we had to let her go. She have met us for just one day(It died couple weeks after...pray for her soul).
We got a new Shih Tzu. His name, before I said, Mideum. By Sarang's help, I could hug him easily, but he also has a health problem. So we should send him again. He has lived in my house for 3 weeks.

Third one! We hoped that we choose much healthier puppy. After careful, we bought a male Maltese, we named him 'Darong(I cannot remember its origin)'. When he comes to my house, we bought him a house. Before it was send to home, we laid down sheets of newspapers and a haven't used blanket. He was too young -2 months old- to teethe. If he bite our finger, it is like tickling! It was so cute! :p But he got older and older, he didn't got rid of it. It really herts… :(

Also, my brother bought a chick by stationery store(Surprise! Korean stationery store sells chicks!...but not now. I miss them). He let a box on living room for it, Darong was curious about another creature. attacked him, and he ran out to my room. THOUGH HE IS MUCH BIGGER THAN CHICK! We laughed and laughed. It was very funny happening, but now he is scared of all animals, except human(and except my grandma. she says to him '개새끼(It's call for puppies, but another means 'son of a b****'. Recently when we goes to grandparents house, she feeds him)'. LOL. And he hates getting a shower! Hey, you aren't a cat!

Until I graduate of middle school, he doesn't like me much. It may because he have seen me every day. After I have being high school student, doing 'dormitory life', he seems to miss me. One day, I came to home, I was surprised. He knew when I comeback, and he brought his toys to the entrance! He swing his tail, likely, "PLAY WITH ME!!!"

Darong's photos! Edited by

...How cute!

Now, he is 8 years old. He likes to sleep all day long, so I tell to him, "Hey, you lazier! You don't wanna play with me, huh? If you don't you'll miss me until Saturday!" then he crawled to me and lie down next to me. :S 

-Charles, who loves my doggie

Science High School Meals

 What is you favorite time in school? Most students will way breakfast, lunch or dinner time. This means lots of students care about meals and they are concerned about others school meals.
 Korea has 20 science high schools. Students at science high schools study more about science and math. And science high schools are dormitory schools, so students eat breakfast, lunch and dinner in the cafeteria.

 Today I'll be posting about science high school meals and determine their ranking (ranks are just my opinion and criteria is the menu and price)



Rank 1 경기북과학고
I think 경기북과학고's breakfast is the best meals. This is 6/9~6/14. Most science school students are eating breakfast at 07:00 AM. Most students are very tired and they don't want to eat breakfast a lot and want eating bread or cereal. But some are not. Some students are wants rice. 경기북과학고 fulfill both of them. Every morning has rice and cereal or bread.
경기북과학고's breakfast (6/9 ~ 6/14)

Rank 2 경산과고
Rank 2 is 경산과학고. I think this school satisfies students’ desires.
경산과학고's breakfast (6/9 ~ 6/14)

On Monday morning they have 'French Toast' and 'Strawberry Milk'. Tuesday distribute 'Banana Shake'.

Rank 3 충남과학고
충남과학고's breakfast is different between other schools. Twice or three times per month their breakfast is buffet. They have 3 kinds of buffet. Buffet 1 is cereal, bread, fruit, slice ham, yogurt, rice, soup. Buffet 2 is cereal, bread, fruit, chicken salad, rice, soup. Buffet 3 is hot dog, juice, pudding, salad, sausage, rice, soup. These meals are just 3600\!! Meals are cheaper than other school. But they have more foods and various foods. This is why I choose 충남과학고

충남과학고's breakfast (6/9 ~ 6/14)


Rank 1 경기북과학고
I think 경기북과학고's lunch is the best. Korean high school students are doing study a lot. So most student lack nutrition. 경기북과학고's meals are balanced and composed of favor menu.
경기북과학고's lunch (6/9 ~ 6/14)

Rank 2 창원과학고
Changwon Science School's meals have various foods. Every meal has around 5 kinds of side dishes. But there is one demerit. That is price. It is 4000\ for 1meals.
창원과학고's lunch (6/9 ~ 6/14)

Rank 3 충남과학고
충남과학고's lunch (6/9 ~ 6/14)
Rank 3 is 충남과학고. 


Rank 1 경기북과학고
Everyday there has juice, or fruit. I think this is very attractive menu.
경기북과학고's dinner (6/9 ~ 6/14)

Rank 2 창원과학고
Rank 2 is our school. CSHS's dinner also have various foods. Do you know what ‘volcano king-sized dumplings’ is? It is kind of dumplings, but cheeses are in dumpling. It is delicious.
volcano king-sized dumplings
창원과학고's dinner (6/9 ~ 6/14)

Rank 3 충북과학고
충북과학고's dinner is composed of fruits and meats. I will help to us who study all day.
충북과학고's dinner (6/9 ~ 6/14)

I think 경기북과학고's meals are best menu. And all schools are having a distinct.

- 3101 SSY-

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Indian food I used to eat on a regular basis

I used to live in India for a long time. So I've tried lots of Indian food. I'll explain about the ones I particularly liked to eat.

1. Masala Dosa
Masala Dosa
A "Dosa" is a kind of crepe or pancake made from rice batter. "Masala Dosa" is a specific type of "Dosa" which has mashed up potato and onion stuffed in it. A "Dosa" is a common breakfast dish and a street food. You could walk around the streets and see a restaurant that makes "Dosa" every block. "Dosa" is a bit oily. You could probably squeeze about half to a full cup of oil from one serving of it.

I used to eat "Masala Dosa" once a week. I would go to church on Saturday morning and we would all order "Masala Dosa" for breakfast. That was my usual Saturday routine. Morning warship, a plate of Dosa, and then a game of soccer till I tire out. I would never forget the Saturday morning i used to have back in India.

2. Butter Chicken
Butter Chicken. Nothing to say. Literally my favourite dish I've ever eaten. It also is one of the most famous Indian dishes foreigners know.
Butter Chicken/Murgh Makhani
Butter Chicken
The dish is just chicken cooked in gravy. The gravy is based on tomato sauce but eventually has no tomato flavor at the end. It's called Butter Chicken because when cooking, a lot of butter is added and as the photo above, the white sauce is butter again. It's normally eaten with rice or Naan(top left corner of the picture above).

I've had this dish in all sorts of places. Our school would have it in the cafeteria, I would have it for lunch after a game of golf, and even in Korea, I wouldn't even look at the menu and order this dish.

3. Paneer
You would probably think this is a dish made from tofu. But paneer is actually a type of cheese eaten in India. It does have that 'Cheesy' texture rather than 'Tofu' texture. This dish also have many variations to it. I don't exactly recall the name of the variation I had, but i remember it tasting a bit similar to the Butter chicken above. That's probably why I also enjoyed this dish a lot.

I have had this dish only in the school cafeteria. I didn't purposely go out for this dish but whenever it would appear on the school menu, I would have a big serving. This dish personally didn't look very nice to me at first. But I saw couple of my friends having it and I gave it a try. It was awesome. Never judge a book by its cover.

4. Kati Roll
Kati Roll
This roll is a bit like a burrito except that it is a bit spicy and has chicken instead of beef. It was originally a kind of kebab but it changed its appearance to a roll, changing its name to "roll".

 This one was also a bit "rare" menu. I would only have it in school for lunch. But it would appear quite often so I've had it a lot. I actually mistook it for a burrito at first. And I really liked burritos. But after I realized it was not, I liked it better than the burritos in our school.

5. Tandoori Chicken
Tandoori Chicken
Another "street food". You could walk around the streets and see grills cooking chicken almost everywhere. It is served as a side dish in almost any kind of meal. It can be had as a appetizer or beside the main dish.

Almost every single time I go to a Indian restaurant, we order this dish or it is served basically. So I've had many changes to eat it. And still in Korea, nowadays, it is served in our cafeteria which I really am thankful for.

6. Chicken Biryani
File:Dum Biryani Plate.jpg
Chicken Biryani
Not a meal I really enjoyed, but I've had it every now and then. It's a bit like Chinese fried rice but a bit more 'oily' and has more spices to it. Another thing is that it sometimes has a whole chicken leg instead of chicken bits. The rice itself is a bit different from rice we have normally. 

I actually don't have much memory of this but I remember one thing. It was 7th grade. We were on a field trip and had to have biryani for lunch. Many students disliked it. But I just had it (I was hungry). But I only remember it being so good. But the next day, I thought it would have been the same. But it wasn't that good. So I really don't know if I like this meal or not.

The Monty Hall problem: beyond closed doors

Monty Hall(1921~)
The host of 'Let's Make a Deal'

The Monty Hall problem: beyond closed doors

Monty Hall problem is a probability puzzl. Puzzle Monty Hall problem was orginated the american television game show ‘Let’s Make a Deal’. It became famous in 1990, a reader’s letter quoted in Marilyn vos Savant’s “Ask Marilyn” column in Parade magazine.
Problem is as follows.
You’re given the choice of three doors. Behind one door is a car, behind the others, goats. First pick a door and them the host who knows where the car is opens another door which the goat behind. And he sats to you “You can change your choice. Do you want to switch?”. Here, is it to your advantage to switch your choice?
 Many people easy to misunderstand the solution is probability is same whether open it or not. Because the host open door and we pick one of the remainders. So we can think probability is 1/2 when we pick the door which the car behind. But that is not the anwser. You have to change choice. The probability of earning the car when switch choice is 2/3.
 Here is the solution.
 The probability of you choose the door the goat behind is 2/3 and then host show you another door the goat behind. So if you switch your choice you can get a car. But if you choose the door the car behind that probability is 1/3 and switch, you can’t get a car. And to conclusion you need to change your choice.
Marilyn vos Savant's column
'Ask Marilyn'
 When Vos Savant dealed with this problem, many readers of her column refused to believe switching is beneficial despite her explanation. Interestingly, approximately 10,000 readers wrote to magazine, most of them claiming she was wrong and 1,000 people among them were PhDs.
 This is conditional probability puzzle. Many the other puzzle about conditional probability is interesting that we can easily confused. So if you understand some conditional probability puzzle, you can have another  viewpoint when you meet the problem like this.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

free topic post - Ryu's perfect game?

Hyun-jin Ryu.

'Korean monster' hyun jin-Ryu (Ryu) starts in May 27th (Korean time) and pitched for 7 and 1/3 innings and LA dodgers win with Ryu's good pitch. The score was 4 : 3(LA dodgers : Cincinnati Reds).
Ryu made perfect game until 7th inning. Perfect game means ' the pitcher allowed no runners for first base. It means bases on balls are not allowed. And also hits are not allowed. It is different from no hit no run. For make no hit no run, it only needs no hit. Hit by pitched ball or base on balls are allowed. So, perfect game is harder to make.
Third base man Justin Turner helped Ryu a lot. He caught 2~3 balls that look like hit. And he helped in attack. He battled with Ace pitcher of Cincinnati,
Johnney cueto. Turner got base on balls with 15 balls battle. Cueto's mind collapsed and he allowed 3 more point. And this inning Ryu hit and get one point.
But 7th attack was too long. Ryu missed his rhythm and allowed Todd Frazier two-base hit. And he allowed two more hit and allowed 1 point.
He interviewed that he didn't want to miss perfect game so he threw the ball inside strike zone to make not base on balls.
He handed over the mound to Brian Wilson. But he called the all runner into home and allowed 2 point. Fortunately, he handed over Kenley Jansen and he depended with no losing point.

There is a new about it.

And this is my opinion : I'm so sad that he missed the perfect game as a fan of Ryu.  Although I missed the live game because I have taken a class in that time. He said that he wanted perfect game that he missed also perfect game but no hit no run. He gives us a great lesson which means 'don't seek to much perfection.'

P.S : May 27th was Memorial Day, so the all players wore camo style clothes.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

starcraft cartoon

StarCrafts Season 2 Episode 1 GL HF

A drone want to get queen's love. So the drone want to be a hatchery But prove interrupt the drone.

HaHa they are so cute

Saturday, May 17, 2014

OECD Report Ranks Young Koreans #1 in Creative Problem Solving

OECD Report Ranks Young Koreans #1 in Creative Problem Solving


Who : Korean middle school students and high school students

When : in 2012

What : Last December, PISA released the results of the portion of the 2012 survey dealing with math competencies, in which Korea ranked first

How : Do hard study (this is just my think)

Where : OECD Countries

Why : Result of Korea's relatively equal quality of education across schools.

I think Korea education is very good and best in the world. But it have a lot of behind story. Education is best but students don't feel study is fun.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Last week, our class created haiku, a kind of Japanese poetry. Haiku are characterized by their brevity and emphasis on simple ideas, often evoking nature or time. Although they are not strictly limited to the oft-taught 5-7-5 or 3-5-3 syllable pattern, our students really enjoyed trying to figure out syllable counts for English words, an aspect of the language they'd never before had to consider. By reading our students' haiku, you can tell what inspires them most: daily life, relationships, happiness, and fried chicken. Here are just a few:
good day
has come and gone away
and I wait

Hyunsu Lim
Thunder in my brain
like an earthquake in my skull
Need more MEDICINE!

Charles Seol
it is Summertime
There is a tasty ice cream
I want to eat it

Namho Kwon
I like you
We are together
You are me

Jun Min Park
With starfalls --
Hearts are full of hope
Sky is bright

Yeon-Ho Ha
I'm very hungry
Tonight's dinner is chicken
I will eat a lot

Sung Youl Seo