Sunday, June 14, 2015

Humans of CSHS - Choi Bok-Kyun

It is the first time in my teacher life to work in a school with girls. 
This will be my 12th year as a teacher!

I interviewed our Korean teacher 'Choi Bok-Kyun'. I asked her about her first day of school at CSHS. It is the first time in her teacher life to work in a school with girls, so she was excited. She said she feels that CSHS is alive. I was surprised because even though this will be her 12th year as a teacher, she is teaching girls in school first time.
Did you see the label that says 'off limits during the test period' on the office door? I feel that this expression is strict. However, she had a label that said 'you come to the office' and explained the feelings of teachers when students barge in the office. It is very funny because she use title of the drama 'You Come From a Star which is very popular. I asked why she had that label. She answered that she likes humor, and if she puts to humor in the message, people will remember it more. I felt that she lives with humor, and I expect to see another label.
I asked about her hobbies. She answered that music is her life. When she is sad and pleased, music is always like a friend. She said that genres of music that people like are different, but good music has been loved for all time. She wants to be loved like good music. She likes the classical music of Bach such as 'Air on the G String', which is slow. She wants her life to flow like this music, so her motto is life is Adagio. She loved art to the extent that she used art as her motto. She also said she draws. She cultivates her mind with drawing.
Finally, she said CSHS' students should become happy person and have an upright character. Most of all, She said that personality is important. 

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, a new Korean teacher at CSHS! Well, since she said she was excited to teach girls for the first time, I have to ask: were the girls at CSHS excited to be in her class?
